First Place Winner
“Cedar Waxwing”
By Jeanne Tyree-Francis
As if it isn’t hard enough to get any bird to hold still for a photo, Jeanne managed to get one of our prettier birds. The funny part is, the bird is sitting on one of our most hated invasive plants, a Buckthorn.
Honorable Mention
“Winter on County Line Road #3”
By Jerilynn Barkdull
Greenspace Trail on County Line Road
This is what the judges thought winter should look like right after a snowfall. It made us miss “winter,”....really?
Worth Mentioning 1
"Early Morning Reflections"
By Marlene Lamberton
Tabor Woods
The judges liked the highs and lows of the tree line and reflection. It also points out why dumping objects in a perfect pond shouldn't happen.
Worth Mentioning 2
“Ice on the Pond”
By Colin Maresh
Trout Pond Prairie
If you look closely at the ice, it is making its own art as it is starting to freeze.
Worth Mentioning 3
“Wintry Pathway”
By Jeanne Tyree-Francis
Short Road Trail Head
Just in case you don’t recognize it, this is the same location as the spring first place winner. Looks different with the flowers and leaves gone.