Fairies have made a home in Tabor Woods!!
Can you find the fairy door?
We’ve just received word that we have fairies in the Caledonia Conservancy! Can you help us find their magical fairy door? We’ve heard that this mystical portal to the fairy realm is located somewhere on the walking trails within the Cameron-Erlandsson section of Tabor Woods, located at 5131 Tabor Road (just west of Hwy 31 and a little south of 6 Mile Road.)
If you find the fairy door, you might receive a $10 coupon from Culver's!
Once you find the fairy door– here’s what to do:
1. Take your photo with the fairy door in the background.
2. Send it with your name, address, age and phone number to Barbara Hugier at rhugier@wi.rr.com
3. You will be notified by mail if you are a winner.
Please note: One winner per family; No repeat winners from previous years. And (Parents), if you do not give permission for Caledonia Conservancy to use the photo, please let us know.
** Contest runs each month, May 1 through October 31; the first 10 children (ages 10 and under) who email us a picture of themselves and the fairy door will get a $10 coupon from Culver’s. **